Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 316: Works by Hugh of Saint-Victor OSA, Augustine, Alexander of Canterbury OSB, and others

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The ex libris inscription of this thirteenth-century manuscript gives it a provenance at the Dominican convent, London. However, on f. ivr is a fragment of a deed, dated to 1515, in the name of the public notary of Norwich diocese, suggesting that the manuscript may have been in Norwich in the early sixteenth century. The manuscript contains Hugh of Saint-Victor OSA (c. 1096-1141) on the Celestial Hierarchy by pseudo-Dionysius, as well as numerous texts by Augustine, pseudo-Augustine, Isidore of Seville (c. 560-636), Jerome, Drogo of Laon (fl. c. 1100) and others. The final section of the manuscript is the only extant copy of the first recension of Alexander of Canterbury (fl. 1100-1110), Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi.
Commentary on pseudo-Dionysius' Hierarchia caelestis -- De sacramentis legis naturalis et scriptae dialogus -- De moribus ecclesiae catholicae -- De moribus manicheorum -- Contra epistulam manichaei -- De opere monachorum -- De fide ad Petrum -- De quatuor uirtutibus caritatis (sermo 106) -- De doctrina christiana -- Sermo ad iuuenes -- Epistola 127 -- Sermo de X chordis (sermo 9) -- Sermo de decem praeceptis et decem plagis Aegypti (sermo 100a) -- De spiritu et anima -- Sermones de poenitentia (sermones 351 and 393) -- De differentiis rerum -- De morum institutione -- De clementia -- De natura et origine animae, book 1 -- De natura et origine animae, book 2 -- De natura et origine animae, book 3 -- De diuersis quaestionibus LXXXIII -- Liber de diuinis officiis -- Formulae spiritualis intelligentiae (excerpt) -- Etymologiae (excerpt on paradise and its rivers from book 14) -- Epistula ad Euangelum presbyterum de Melchisedech (epistola 73) -- Notes from Scripture on the Wisdom of Solomon -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension) -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension), continued -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension), continued -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension), continued -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension), continued -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension), continued -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension), continued -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension), continued -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension), continued -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension), continued -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension), continued -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension), continued -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension), continued -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension), continued -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension), continued -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension), continued -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension), continued -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension), continued -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension), continued -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension), continued -- Liber ex dictis beati Anselmi (first recension), continued (De miraculis)


Alternative title Hugo super Dionysium. Augustini quaedam. Anselmi quaedam, etc.
Type of resource mixed material
Extent ff. 3 + 216 + 1 + 1
Date created [ca. 1200 - 1225]
Language Latin
Material Vellum
Layout 36 lines to a page
Height (mm) 240
Width (mm) 162
Collation 3 flyleaves, I(8)-XVIII(8) (wants 7, 8) XIX (one) | gap | XXXIV(10) XXXV(12) XXXVI(8) XXXVII(12) (+2) XXXVIII(8) (+2) XXXIX(12) XL(8) (wants 8), 1 flyleaf.
Writing in a very good regular hand
Foliation ff. i-iv + 1-216 + v-vi
Provenance On top of the last flyleaf (f. vr): De communitate conuentus fratrum ordinis predicatorum London. below which is an erasure (cf. MS 299, MS 306)., f. iiir is a bit of a deed of 1515 in the name of Thomas Godsalve, Public Notary of Norwich diocese (cf. MS 166), mentioning Richard (Nykke) Bishop of Norwich. His notarial mark and device Veritas liberabit iustos are on the margin.

Bibliographic information

M.R. James Date xiii (early)
Downloadable James Catalogue Record
Superseded Interim Catalogue Record
TJames 265
Stanley Q. 12
Location MS 316
Repository UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library

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