Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 102: The Writings of Martin Bucer and others

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Matthew Parker's manuscript collection naturally reflects his interest in Reformation theology and theologians and the religious debates which took place in the sixteenth century. MS 102 is one of the compilations of tracts and letters Parker assembled from his collection. The volume opens with several pieces relating to the public disputation held in Cambridge between the Regius Professor of Divinity, Martin Bucer (1491-1551), and masters Young, Sedgewick and Perne. This material is followed by a treatise by Christopher Carlile (d. c. 1588), an English clergyman and graduate of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Much of the rest of the volume relates to debates regarding the sacraments and to tracts and materials relating to rebellion and sedition. The manuscript dates to third quarter of the sixteenth century.
Public disputation held in Cambridge between Martin Bucer and masters Young, Sedgewick and Perne -- Letter of Martin Bucer to a certain bishop concerning the doctrine of John Young on justification -- Letter of the vice-chancellor, doctors and fellows to the visitors of Cambridge University petitioning for permission for a disputation to be held between Martin Bucer and John Young on the doctrine of justification -- Response of John Young in the disputation between him and Martin Bucer -- Letter of Peter Martyr to Martin Bucer concerning the cause and argument of John Young, dated at Oxford 31 August 1550 -- Letter of Peter Martyr to a certain bishop concerning questions of divorce and remarriage, dated 17 February 1542 -- Letter of Peter Martyr to Martin Bucer of the condition of Germany -- Letter of Peter Martyr to Martin Bucer consoling him for the illness and other adversities which have been afflicting him, dated at Oxford 18 December -- A treatise concerning the immediate going to heaven of the souls of the faithful fathers before Christ, and that Christ did not descend into hell -- Collected wriings from patristic writers on the sacraments in diverse hands, with a vernacular tract on the same matter -- Disputation between Dr Stokes of Lynn and Mr. Saunderson, preacher of Lynn -- Minutes of a debate held on 23 November 1551 in the chamber of Lord Cecil the king's secretary, on the sacraments -- Minutes of a debate on the sacraments held on 3 December 1551 in the chamber of Sir Richard Morrison -- Thoughts of Luther on the sacrament -- Letter of Oswald Myconius on the origin of the disagreement with Luther on the eucharist -- Consensus Tigurinus -- De sacramento corporis et sanguinis Domini -- Answer of Martin Bucer to John Calvin on the Consensus Tigurinus -- Letter of John Calvin to Martin Bucer congratulating him on his arrival in England and describing the Consensus Tigurinus -- Letter to the college of Strassburg concerning certain things to be reformed -- Sermons of the errors of the Roman Church -- Excerpts from scholastic authors on original sin -- Excerpts from patristic authors on the eucharist -- De ueritate corporis et sanguinis Domini in eucharistia ex patribus -- Letter of John Cheke to Cardinal Pole praying to be received back into the church, dated at the tower of London 15 July 1556 -- Letter of John Cheke to Mary I petitioning for his liberty, dated at the tower of London 15 July 1556 -- An answer to the articles of the Devonshire men -- A sermon concerning the time of rebellion translated from the Latin of Peter Martyr -- The thoughts of Peter Martyr against sedition -- The thoughts of Martin Bucer against sedition -- Texts of scripture against sedition -- Excerpts from holy Scripture concerning war -- Why is it never licit to take up arms against the magistrate


Alternative title Buceri et aliorum scripta
Type of resource mixed material
Extent pp. 541 numbered
Date created [ca. 1500 - 1599]
Language Latin; English
Material Paper
Height (mm) 315
Width (mm) 220
Writing in another hand
Foliation ff. i-iii + pp. 1-60 (61-68 missing) + 69-298 (299-300 missing) + 301-406 (407-408 missing) + 409-542 + ff. iv-v
Additions Flyleaf (f. iiir) from a handsome service-book of cent. xv with music on red four-line stave: office of St Stephen.

Bibliographic information

M.R. James Date xvi
Downloadable James Catalogue Record
Superseded Interim Catalogue Record
TJames vac.
Stanley Misc. C
Location MS 102
Repository UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library

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Parker Manuscripts

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