Transmedia Stories



Transmedia Stories: Narrative Methods for Public Health and Social Justice, by Patrick Jagoda with Ireashia Bennett and Ashlyn Sparrow and published by Stanford University Press in 2023 has been accessioned into the Stanford Digital Repository. This page serves as the public-facing cover of that archive. The assets in the archive, project content and media files, remain dark while the publication is available in its live version at The files will only be made available when the live publication is no longer supported by evolving server and browser configurations.

All scholarly textual content is contained in this collection's Scalar Export file, a JSON data export from the Scalar platform in which the original publication was presented. All media objects, custom code, web archive, and documentation are included along with attending metadata. Assuming a researcher has access to an installation of Scalar 2, they could, using the Documentation, recreate the server structure and import the JSON file into a blank Scalar installation to recreate the original presentation.

For more information about the technical structure of the project, installation instructions, specifications, and user experience, please read the Documentation file, which can be found at the following URL:

For an archived, interactive version of the publication, please view the web archive of the project at

Bibliographic information